Tehran Peace Museum: Museum of the Year Award

Best-museum6In celebration of World Museum Day on 18 May 2015, the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) attended a ceremony in the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, where the Museum was recognized as Iran’s Museum of the Year in the Private Sector.
The ceremony was attended by representatives from a large number of museums from across Iran, as well as official delegates from the Iranian International Council Of Museums, UNESCO and the City Council of Tehran.

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Families Play for Peace

Families-day-2015On Friday 22 May 2015, a number of families gathered in front of the Tehran Peace Museum in the city’s historic Park-e Shahr to enjoy a day of fun and games to celebrate the International Day of Families and the International Day of Biological Diversity.

This special family day was organized by a group of volunteers called “Playing for Playing.” Families, members and volunteers of the Tehran Peace Museum participated in a number of non-competitive fun-filled games with the aim of sharing peaceful outcomes.

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Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition Workshop

Moot-courtThe Tehran Peace Museum held an inaugural workshop on Sunday 17 May 2015, to introduce the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition.

The objective of this international competition is to give participants the opportunity to simulate the experience of trying cases at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Candidates are given the choice to work on cases related to such issues as war or genocide and are able to practice trying such cases in front of the ICC judicature. 

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Chemical Weapons Exhibition in Iranian Parliament

MajlesOn Wednesday 13 May 2015, delegations from the Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) held an exhibition in the Iranian Parliament.
The theme of the exhibition, located in one of the Parliament’s corridors, showcased the consequences of chemical weapons on survivors of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) and the impact of chemical warfare. The activities and initiatives of the Tehran Peace Museum and the SCWVS were also on display.

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Iran’s Talented Young Artists Receive Hiroshima Awards

Hiroshima-art2014On 13 May 2015, two young Iranian artists were invited to the Tehran Peace Museum to receive their awards for their winning entries in the 29th Children’s Peace Drawing Competition of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum.
Eight year old Yas Rostampour Kakroodi was the winner of the Distinction Hiroshima Mayor's Prize and twelve year old Helieh Dehnari was the recipient of an Award of Honor. Both artists were presented with their awards by the head of the MOCT Association from Hiroshima, Ms. Shizuko Tsuya at a special ceremony held in the peace museum.

To see photos of the event click here.

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Energy - Make it Bird Friendly


World Migratory Bird Day is being celebrated globally on May 9- 10, 2015.  Developing on this year’s theme of “Energy- Make it Bird Friendly!” the Tehran Peace Museum is hosting a special two-day event to raise awareness about bio-diversity, sustainable energy and its impact on migratory birds.

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Iran’s Father of Atomic Science Visits TPM

Akbar-EtemadOn Tuesday 28 April 2015, Professor Akbar Etemad, the former Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), visited the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) to familiarize himself with the chemical weapons used against Iran during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988).  Professor Etemad – known as Iran’s father of atomic science – was also introduced to a number of war victims and chemical weapons survivors who are actively involved in peace initiatives at the museum.

To see the photos of this visit please click here.

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The Real Treasure of the Tehran Peace Museum


 “The real treasure lies in the testimonies of the survivors who still have wisdom – and learning – and experience – to impart.”

 Wednesday April 29th is the United Nations designated Day of Remembrance for Chemical Weapons Victims, which was observed today at the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM). The ceremony, which was organized entirely by the museum’s young cohort of volunteers, included a number of distinguished guests, chemical weapons survivors and their families, staff and friends of the museum.

To see photos of the event click here.

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Tehran Peace Museum Delegates Participate in Ieper Centenary


From the 22nd to 24th April, 2015, a number of delegates from the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) travelled to Ieper in Belgium to participate in the centenary of the first gas attacks there during World War I. The TPM representatives took part in the three-day conference hosted by the city of Ieper called: “A Century of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Enough!”

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War Veterans: Strong Women

War-Veterans.-Strong-Women.At a recent event to honour Women's Day in Iran, the TPM hosted a special ceremony at the Hozeh Honari to recognize the strong women who support the survivors of chemical weapons from the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988).  The ceremony also commemorated a number of veterans who have recently passed away.

To read the story posted on the UN Iran's website click here.

“Bag of Rice” Director Visits Tehran Peace Museum

TalebiMohammad-Ali Talebi - better known for his famous films made specifically for children – made a special visit to the Tehran Peace Museum on 21 April 2015 to find out more about the Chemical Weapons Survivors of the Iran-Iraq War.  
The director of "Bag of Rice", "The Boots", and “The City of Mice" spent two hours at the museum and was overwhelmed by the number of chemical weapons survivors present who volunteer as guides.  Mr. Talebi listened to the courageous stories of the survivors as they shared their war experiences and how their lives have been shaped by the consequences of chemical weapons.

To see the photos of this visit please click here.

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Hiroshima Reflections

Hiroshima-Reflections-picsSomeone once said, “A message needs to be written if it is to be shared.”

And this is certainly true of two recent publications launched jointly by the Tehran Peace Museum at the HozehHonari in Tehran on April 13th 2015.

Mr. HedayatollahBehboodi’sJourney to the Burnt Island - Hiroshima Diariesand Mr. Hamid Hesam’sJourney Recounted by Coughs - a Hiroshima Traveloguewere launched at this special event conducted by renowned Iranian actor, Mr. ParvizParastoui. These two books are the culmination of the authors’ reflections after they visited Hiroshima in 2012 and 2013 as part of a delegation from the Tehran Peace Museum.

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Children’s Wishing Tree in the Tehran Peace Museum

T-WishesThe Tehran Peace Museum is now the new home to the Children’s Wishing Tree for Peace after its role was finished in the stage play, “Tistou of the Green Thumbs.”

“Tistou of the Green Thumbs,” which ran for 32 nights at the Honar Hall, was written by Mr. Ramin Kohan and Ms. Bahar Taheri, and based on the novel of the same title by French author, Maurice Druon.  Renowned translator, Ms. Lili Golestan, translated the book into Persian. The play, directed by Mr. Kohan, was performed specifically for children to follow Tistou’s journey to end all wars and find peace.  

In developing the theme of world peace, the theatre created a Children’s Wishing Tree.  After each performance, children were invited to write messages of peace on the tree’s green leaves.

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German Physician and Peace Activists Visit Tehran Peace Museum

Ippnw-2015On Wednesday 8 April 2005, the Tehran Peace Museum was honoured to welcome visiting members from Germany from the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW).

Psychotherapist, Dr. Nesmil Kasumlu and Professor Mohssen Massarat from the IPPNW’s scientific advisory board were given a tour of the museum and were introduced to the TPM’s peace activities and initiatives.  During their visit, Dr. Kasumlu and Professor Massarat had the opportunity to meet and speak with chemical weapons survivors from the Iran-Iraq War, who volunteer as guides at the museum.

To see the pictures of this event click here.

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Iranian Children Win Prizes at Peace Drawing Competition


Two Iranian children have been honoured by the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum for their entries in the museum’s 29th Children’s Peace Drawing Competition.

Eight-year-old Yas Rostampour Kakroodi won the Distinction Hiroshima Mayor’s prize and 12 year old Helieh Dehnari was won the Award of Honor.

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Chess Board Peace

chess tpm 1To celebrate the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on April 6th 2015, a friendly chess game took place at the Tehran Peace Museum.

Chess grandmaster, Shadi Paridar and Kazem Moghadas, a war veteran and volunteer guide at the TPM, sat down to play a game of chess in the spirit of peace and friendship.

Cheered on by an enthusiastic group of spectators, the two friends played an exciting game of chess, and the final result ended in a draw.

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Joint Celebration at TPM: Land Mine Awareness and Sport for Peace

peace and sportThis week, on April 6th 2015, the TPM held a joint celebration to observe the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action and Sport for Development and Peace.

War veterans, athletes and members of a number of federations gathered at the peace museum to discuss peace in relation to these two special occasions.  Participants spoke about the connection between sport and peace and how international events, such as the Olympic games, nurture international understanding and peace.  A discussion also took place about how war in this world can seriously affect such sporting events.

To see the pictures of this event click here.

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Halabja: 27th Anniversary of the Chemical Weapons Attack

Halabja1Tehran Peace Museum Declaration

As the years pass by, the seed of hope grows steadily in the heart of Halabja, reflecting the strength and spirit of life.

It was 27 years ago, during the last days of winter, that the chaos of war changed the course of Halabja’s history.  White and gray gas exploded and spreaded the elixir of death throughout the city.

First came the skin burns.  Then the breathing slowed down.  Then it stopped.  Women and children stared ahead – unseeing – at the seeds in the ground.

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Another survivor of chemical warfare died in silence...

Sadeghi-jahanshahThe Tehran Peace Museum regrets to announce the passing of friend and volunteer, Mr. Jahanshah Sadeghi. Mr. Sadeghi died of respiratory failure due to late toxic effects of Mustard Gas, on Monday March 16th in his hometown of Harsin, Kermanshah. He will be sadly missed by all of us here at the museum.

Please click to read more to read Jahanshah's obituary


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Ebrahim Hatamikia visited Tehran Peace Museum

Hatami-KiaThe famous Iranian filmmaker, Ebrahim Hatamikia, visited the Tehran Peace Museum on Sunday 15 March 2015.

During his two-hour visit, Mr. Hatamikia more familiarized himself with the consequences of chemical weapons used against Iranian soldiers and civilians during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988).  He was overwhelmed by the presence of so many chemical weapons survivors volunteering at the museum and listened to them courageously sharing their experiences.

Mr. Hatamikia was deeply interested in the culture of peace promoted at the Tehran Peace Museum and was impressed by the number of peace education and outreach activities driven by the museum.

To see the photos of this visit please click here.

“Soul of fire: She Fought for Peace” in Tehran Peace Museum

Maxi-blaha-2On 5th March 2015, the Austrian actress, Maxi Blaha held a performance in Tehran Peace Museum about the life and work of the first female Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bertha von Suttner.
In this monologue which was directed by Mr. Alexander Hauer and accompanied by Mr. Georg Buxhofer as musician, Ms. Blaha presented different stages of Ms. Suttner’s life from youth to the day she won the Noble Peace Prize.

“I didn’t know about Bertha myself,” said Ms. Blaha to the audience after her performance, “until I read her book, Lay Down Your Arms!”

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Supreme Leader Writes to Western Youth About Islam and Prejudice

Letter4uConcerned about the Islamophobia stirred up by the recent terrorist attacks in Paris, Iran’s Supreme Leader, His Excellency, Ayatollah Khamenei chose to address young people in the West and North America about the misunderstandings surrounding the Muslim faith.

In this welcome effort to reach out to young people overseas, the Supreme Leader urged today’s Western youth not to be trapped by the prejudices of the international media.  In his statement, the Ayatollah made two direct requests to the world’s young population.

“Hence my first request is,” His Excellency stated, “study and research the incentives behind this widespread tarnishing of the image of Islam.”

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Tehran Peace Museum Hosts Writing Skills Workshop

Techniques-on-writing-newsThe Council of Promoting a Culture of Peace for Children held a Writing Skills and Techniques on Writing Institutional and Organization Reports at the Tehran Peace Museum on January 28th, 2015.

The objectives of the workshop – conducted by Mr. KhakiNejad – were to assist in empowering the representatives of a large number of local NGOs in presenting a variety of reporting styles, methods and the techniques required for editing.

The participants were engaged in practical writing exercises as well as the opportunity to express their understanding through an interactive role-play session.  During the role-play exercises, members of the group simulated a peace seminar.

This was a follow-up workshop to the first session held at Hosseinie Ershad on October 15th, 2014.

“Bad Chemistry, Toxic Horror, and Haunting Consequences”, an article on Tehran Peace Museum and the Chemical War against Iran published in WAMM Newsletter

WAMM“Bad Chemistry, Toxic Horror, and Haunting Consequences”, an article on Tehran Peace Museum and the Chemical War against Iran published in WAMM Newsletter. In this article by Margaret Sarfejooy who visited Tehran Peace Museum in 2014, you can read about Tehran Peace Museum’s different activities, as well as Chemical war against Iran during Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). The role of Western countries, especially U.S.A. in supporting Saddam and the Chemical and Biological weapons’ stockpile of U.S.A is also discussed in this article too.
To read the article online Please click here and to download the newsletter please click here.

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