Conclusion of a ​MOC between Tehran Peace Museum and Ministry of Sport and Youth

Ministry-of-Sport-and-Youth A delegation from the ministry of sport and youth visited Tehran peace museum on 31 August 2014.

During a joint session, th​e​ representatives​ of the ministry of Sport and youth​ and TPM members explained their approaches and steps towards the promotion of ​the culture of peace and discussed future cooperation on studying and enhancing peace and youth linkage.

In order ​t​ o analyze ​ such area and to achieve the goal of establishment of youth parliament a ​MOC was signed between TPM and MSY to launch scientific relations and exchanges.

To see the photos ​ of this event​, ​please ​ click here.

Tehran Peace Museum / SCWVS delegation met with Mayor of Hiroshima

Peace-MayorsFrom August 3 to 8, a delegation of the Tehran Peace Museum and Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) from Iran visited Hiroshima and met with President Matsui, Mayor of Hiroshima on August 7. The Tehran Peace Museum, founded by the SCWVS, conducted an active campaign to invite Iranian mayors to join Mayors for Peace and successfully achieved a 270 city increase of the number of member cities in Iran in the past one-year period.

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8th issue of the INMP Newsletter is published

INMPThe 8th issue of the INMP (International Network of Museums for Peace) Newsletter is published and is now available on the following link.
In this issue of the newsletter, you can find reports and news from the peace museums around the world as well as useful information about the new peace related publications.
Half of the one of the pages of this issue of the newsletter (page 8) is allocated to the news from Tehran Peace Museum.

To read the newsletter click here.

The fourth workshop on International Humanitarian Law was held in TPM on the occasion of 65th anniversary of ratification of Geneva conventions

ihl4-workshopThe fourth workshop on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) was held in Tehran Peace Museum on 12 August 2014 in collaboration with National Committee of International Humanitarian Law (NCIHL) on the occasion of 65th anniversary of ratification of Geneva conventions.

More than 30 students of different courses including international law participated in this workshop in which several subjects including Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, principles of IHL, cyber wars and IHL, health care in danger and chemical weapons convention were discussed. ​​

To see the photos of the event click here.

On 69th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima

HiroshimaGOn 69th anniversary  of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6th, the Peace Memorial Ceremony  was held in Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima. Hundreds  of people from all around the world participated in this ceremony to console the victims of the atomic bombs and to pray for the realization of lasting world peace.

20 Iranian victims of chemical weapons and Iranian Artists from Tehran Peace Museum attended this ceremony. Iran – Japan Peace and Friendship film festival was held in Hiroshima on this occasion.

To read Hiroshima Peace Declaration, please click here.

Peace and Friendship Children Drawing Competition in Esfarayen

EsfarayenFollowing the Esfarayan's membership in Mayors for Peace Organization and on the occasion of Atomic Bombing in Hiroshima, a Peace and Friendship drawing competition was held in Esfarayen, Iran. “This competition which was held with the message of Peace and Friendship for all people around the world, expresses our sympathy for the people of Hiroshima on the occasion of 6 of August”, said Cultural Advisor of Esfarayen Municipality.
All the participants received gifts from City Council

The Oral History of Chemical Warfare Survivors launched

Oral HistoryThe Tehran Peace Museum has launched the Oral History of Chemical Warfare Survivors.

This oral history project began at the start of this year by interviewing civilian and military survivors exposed to gas attacks during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-1988.

We invite you to read the harrowing experiences of chemical weapons survivors and how they courageously overcame their difficulties to survive – against all odds - to this day.

27th Anniversary of Sardasht Gas Attack


27 years ago on 28th of June, 1987, Sardasht, an Iranian town was targeted by Mustard gas bombs by Iraqi forces. Many were killed immediately and thousands of survivors still suffer from long term health effects and disabling illnesses.

Below you can find more details about the gas attack, the life of survivors and recently issued statements by international figures:

- Details of gas attack by Professor. Forutan, Shahid Beheshti University

- Statement by Director-General of the OPCW

- Message of Mayor of Hiroshima

- Eyewitness account: story of Faride Shafe'i.

Fourth workshop on Finding UN Information and Documentations was held in Tehran Peace Museum

Unic2-2014On the occasion of the "United Nations Public Service Day " the fourth workshop on "Finding UN Information and Documentation" was held in TPM on June 23, 2014.

During this one day workshop, which took place in collaboration with the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran, 24 students of different majors learned to retrieve UN information and documentation and it's data-searching methods through UN databases.

Furthermore, the United Nations structure, Secretaries-General, Member States, financial and budgetary subjects and UN Offices in Iran were introduced to the participants.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

Iranian Children's Peace Drawing Exhibition



"Child, Peace, Nature" is the title of an exhibition of Iranian Children’s Drawings in Tehran’s Arasbaran cultural center, as collaboration between Tehran Peace Museum and Hadis Pre-school center.

In this exhibition which is the 5th joint program of Hadis Pre-school center and Tehran Peace Museum, drawings of children (4-12 years) are displayed.

the exhibition is open for all interested visitors on 18-19 June from 10 am to 6 pm.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

Introduction to INMP members:

2: Kyoto Museum for Peace, Ritsumeikan University

Kyoto Museum

Ritsumeikan University which was founded in 1869 is one of the four leading private universities in Western Japan and has many exchange programs with different universities around the world. After World War II, Ritsumeikan adopted the educational philosophy of peace and democracy, faithful to the spirit of the Japanese Constitution and the Education Fundamental Law.

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Third Workshop on Finding UN Information and Documentations was held in Tehran Peace Museum

UNIC3aThe third workshop on "Finding UN Information and Documentations" was held in TPM on May 28, 2014 on the occasion of "International Day of UN Peacekeepers" on May, 29th.

In this workshop which was held with collaboration with United Nations Information Center in Tehran, more than 25 students participated. following the reading of the UN secretary General's message for the "International Day of UN Peacekeepers" and a video clip regarding the UN peace keepers, different courses such as using UN website and finding information and documentations in that was discussed.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

International Network of Museums for Peace was Granted UN-ECOSOC Consultative Status

ecosocInternational Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) has granted Consultative Status of Economical and Social Council of the UN on May 2014. Consultative Status enables an organization to engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, as well as with UN Secretariat and allows the representatives of these organizations to participate in events and conferences and render their consultative opinions.

INMP is non-profit organization including more than 40 museums for peace which works to promote a culture of peace through raising awareness about the catastrophic consequences of war and violence and its harmful effects on human and environment.

Tehran Peace Museum is an active member of the INMP. 

UN Appreciation Plaque was Presented to The Tehran Peace Museum

un29april-newsIn a ceremony held at Tehran Peace Museum, a UN plaque was presented to TPM by Mr. Gary Lewis, the UN resident coordinator in Iran in recognition and appreciation of the UN for Museum's effort in promoting the culture of peace and raising awareness about war. Representatives of international organizations, government officials and TPM's volunteers were among participants. Tehran Peace Museum is an NGO which tries to promote a culture of peace through raising awareness and showing consequences of war and violence.

Below is the inscription of this Plaque:

"Presented to The Tehran Peace Museum By Mr. Gary Lewis, UN resident Coordinator in Iran. In recognition of Museum's contribution to promoting understanding and partnerships in the search for peace. On the occasion of the UN Day of Remembrance for Victims of Chemical Warfare 29 April 2014" 

A memorial ceremony on the “Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare” was held at TPM



A memorial ceremony on the “Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare” was held at Tehran Peace Museum on 29 April 2014.

In the event which was organized by the Peace Museum, the Society for victims of Chemical weapons –SCWVS- and the UN information Center –UNIC- , many people including representatives of International organizations, Ambassadors and diplomats, survivors of chemical warfare and their families and several activists and NGO members attended.

To see photos of the event click here.

Iranian Winners of the 28th Children Peace Drawing Competition of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum


Two Iranian Children Received Certificate/Awards of Distinction and Honor from the 28th Children Peace Drawing Competition of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. Hida Bahmani (13 years old) winner of the Distinction Hiroshima Mayor's prize and Zahra Parhizgar  (7 years old) winner of award of honor received their awards from the head of the MOCT Association from Hiroshima, Ms Shizuko Tsuya on 28 of April, 2014 in a ceremony held in Tehran Peace Museum.

over 4800 students from around the world participated in this competition."

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

Anti War Posters Exhibition



Anti War Posters Exhibition

By: bahnaz Nikkhah Monfared


29 April - 14 may 2014

Tehran peace Museum


Opening: 29 April 2014, 11 am

on the Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

Commemorating Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

29apr2014The ​observance on "Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare" would be held by Tehran Peace Museum and United Nations Information Center in Tehran on Tuesday , April 29 from 11 a.m. to 12:30. The message of "United Nations" Secretary General and "Organization For the Prohibition Of Chemical Weapon " Director- General would be read in this ceremony.

According to the decision of Conference of State Parties of the OPCW and the UN General Assembly Resolution, a memorial Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare would be observed on 29 April each year. This Ceremony is as an opportunity to pay tribute to victims of Chemical Weapons.

​For more information about this day, please click here. ​

International Peace Activists Visit the Museum

peaceSyria3On 5 April 2014, the International Convoy of Peace for Syria kicked off their humanitarian and peace journey to Syria at the Tehran Peace Museum.  The convoy consists of a group of 14 peace activist from a number of countries including Mairead Maguire, the Nobel peace prize laureate, David Smith, a priest from Australia, Sheik Ali Ahmad, a Syrian spiritual leader and Sam Eskandar, the Lebanese peace campaigner.

During their visit to the museum, the convoy had the opportunity to talk to NGO activists in Iran, as well as war veterans and chemical weapons survivors, Iranian artists and volunteers at the museum.  The convoy left for Syria on Wednesday April 9th, and will take aid and medicine for the war affected people of Syria.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

Petition signed by 1.5 Million Iranians in support of abducted soldiers was delivered to UN office in Tehran

PetitionDeliveryOn 31 March 2014, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Gary Lewis, received an e-Petition from Iranian media celebrities and representatives of the Tehran Peace Museum at the UN Common Premises in Tehran.

 The event was organized so that the e-Petition signed by over 1.500.000 Iranians in support of the release of the abducted border guards can be conveyed, ultimately, to UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-Moon.

“On an occasion as important as this, where over 1.5 million Iranians have combined to give us their voices through their computer screens and by SMS, I am honoured to witness this solidarity that has been displayed by the Iranian people in support of the abducted border guards. I promise to deliver the e-Petition to UN Headquarters in New York and – like all Iranians – the UN hopes for a peaceful and successful outcome to the process underway to secure the border guards’ release.” said Mr Gary Lewis of the UN.

Full report of the  meeting is available here on the UN website.

7th issue of the INMP Newsletter is published

INMPThe 7th issue of the INMP (International Network of Museums for Peace) Newsletter is published and is now available on the following link.

In this issue of the newsletter, you can find reports and news from the peace museums around the world as well as useful information about the 8th international conference of museums for peace which will be held in South Korea in September 2014.

One full page of this issue of the newsletter is allocated to the news from Tehran Peace Museum. To read the newsletter click here


Book Launch Ceremony: A Poisonous Affair

HiltermanOn the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Halabja Gas attack in 1988, a ceremony was held at Tehran Peace Museum to launch The Persian translation of “a Poisonous affair, America-Iraq and the gassing of Halabja”, a book by Dr Joost Hilterman from International Crisis Group.

Several researchers, officials, chemical warfare survivors and TPM members attended the ceremony in which the director of center for Iran-Iraq war studies, the author and the translator of the book and Tehran Peace Museum board director spoke about the chemical weapons attacks in 1980s and its consequences as well as the role of independent researches in raising public awareness against weapons of mass destruction.

Dr Hilterman’s book is one of the most comprehensive researched about the use of chemical weapons against Iranians and Kurds during 1980s and western countries’ support to Saddam’s regime.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.

Free our Soldiers :Petition in support of 5 Abducted Iranian Border Guards


On 6 February 2014, five Iranian border guards were kidnapped by a Pakistan based terrorist group called " Jeishol-adl (The Army of Justice)". The following petition has been issued in support of the abducted soldiers and signed by large number of  artists, scholars, athletes, journalist and activists.

Below is the petition text which is still open for more signatures:

"Free our Soldiers :Petition in Support of 5 Abducted Iranian Border Guards

We ask all responsible authorities in the world, the UN and our neighbor country, Pakistan to do their best as a humanitarian action so that the 5 innocent abducted Soldiers would come back home safe."

signed by:

More than 250 Famous Iranian artists, authors , Scholars , Journalists, Athletes, ...

To sign the petition, click here

Survivors of Halabja Gas Attack Visited TPM

Halabjeh​A group of families and survivors of Halabja gas attack visited Tehran Peace Museum on 25 February 2014.

In their visit, the representative of Association for Chemical Victims of Halabja appreciated the role of Iranian people in helping the victims of gas attack and making the people around the world aware of this crime. He continued that TPM and Halabjah Memorial Museum have strong relations. The manager of TPM welcomed their visit by saying that Iranian people and victims of Halabjah have a lot in common and they should stand together so these crimes would not happen again.

Halabja, a city in Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) was gassed by Saddam's regime on 16 March 1988 and more than 5000 civilians were killed, many more still suffer from long term health problems.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.