Amir Amiri

Chemical Weapons and Travel from Poetry and Flower City to Flower Country


Amir Amiri

Born in 1965 in Shiraz

Saddam Hussein's incursion in 1980 transformed a peaceful life in city of Shiraz with rich heritage, human civilization and extensive communication and social friends to a volunteering presence on the battlefields.

On 13/02/1986, during a massive chemical bombardment of the war zones and civilian areas, he and his soldier friends were injured by the Iraqi aircraft chemical rocket when they had not yet enter in operation area.

The large number of injured people in the country's hospitals, severe ocular and dermatological and pulmonary complications caused him to be sent with a number of his friends in hospitals to the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Belgium.

He was admitted to Hospital in the Utrecht city inNetherlands.

His wounds reminded of the painful days of World War I and the use of chemical weapons. The world should have opened its eyes.

Now, the monster that had been dormant for many years had re-emerged, and a global determination was needed to deal with it.

The determination that was made in 1992 by the ratification of the draft of UN Chemical Weapons Convention and in 1997, with its the entry into force, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague was established.

Amin returned to Shiraz after treating injuries, peace returned to his home and Shiraz is still the city of poetry, flower and the heritage of human culture.

Poetry of Sa’di who sang in the seventh century:

Human beings are members of a whole, 
In creation of one essence and soul.

If one member is afflicted with pain, 
Other members uneasy will remain.

If you have no sympathy for human pain, 
The name of human you cannot retain.


Brief Overview of the Iran-Iraq War

On the 22 September 1980 Iraq declared war on Iran.

It was a conflict that was to last eight long and bloody years. The origins of what Iranians call the “Imposed War” were many and varied. Looking ... read more

A Brief History of CW

Although chemical weapons have been described in ancient historic texts, it was during the First World War from 1914-1918 that they were used deliberately in conflict. At Ypres, in 1915, gas attacks took place in the trenches leading to ... read more

The oral History of CW victims...

The oral History of CW victims in Tehran Peace Museum website

From now on, you can read the memories of the victims of CW here. These victims share their experiences as a victim of CW after being exposed to CW. But they also have message for ... read more