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Report: “29 June” Memorial ceremony was held in the Peace Museum


29-June2013timOn the occasion of “National day for commemoration of victims of Chemical Weapons” and the anniversary of “Saradsht” chemical attack, a memorial ceremony was held in Tehran Peace Museum on Saturday 29 June 2013. Citizens, journalists, UN agencies representatives, CW victims and their families, NGOs members and activists, officials, artists, as well as the TPM members and volunteers were among the participants of the ceremony.

Apart from the ceremony, on this day, at Tehran Peace Museum several CW victims - most of them are volunteer guides of the museum – hosted visitors to share their experience with them and to raise awareness about the consequences of Chemical Weapons, from 9 am to 4pm.

One of the CW survivors, with severe injuries, delivered the statement of the SCWVS on the behalf of the all CW victims and survivors.

Dr. Araghchi, deputy foreign minister and the former ambassador to Japan, participated in the memorial ceremony and said he usually attends this kind of ceremonies to visit the CW victims and during the years he served as the ambassador in Japan, he also used to attend the ceremony to commemorate Hiroshima’s atomic bombard victims and visit the CW victims there too.

There was also another ceremony on this date (4-5 pm) to appreciate all the efforts of Prof. Hosein Elyasi, a physician who worked on treatments of CW victims of Iran-Iraq war during 1980s. Also there was a book launch ceremony to introduce his book: Microscopic lesions due to Sulfur Mustard Exposure.

At the end of the ceremony, all participants dedicated flowers to the peace monument in the City Park, where the museum is located .

To see the photos of this event please click here.