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Ambassador Krzysztof Paturej Visits TPM

csm paturej da5f49ce30Ambassador Krzysztof Paturej, President of The International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCSS), visited the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) on September 22nd, 2015.

After a guided tour by chemical weapons survivors of the TPM, Mr. Paturej joined the volunteers of the TPM for a short meeting.

“I am really impressed by your work in the Tehran Peace Museum.” Said Mr. Paturej in this meeting. “Poland was one of the victims of chemical weapons during the WWI and talking to you as victims of chemical weapons makes me think how similar Iranian and Polish people are in this field.”

Mr. Paturej visited Iran following an invitation from the TPM and was accompanied by representatives of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this meeting, including the head of the Iranian Secretary of the National Authority for Chemical Conventions.

The International Centre for Chemical Safety and Security (ICCS) is a non-profit organization which serves as a centre of training in chemical safety and security and supports the development of national and international networks of chemical safety and security.