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Peace Counts on Tour in Tehran Peace Museum

Peace-counts-2The Peace Counts Exhibition and related workshops were held in the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) from 20th to 24th July 2015 with the presence of representatives from the Berghof Foundation from Germany. 


Three workshops for three different groups of TPM staff and volunteers were held from July 20th to 22nd and covered topics such as the different concepts of peace andconflict escalation. The TPM and Berghof Foundation representatives also discussed expanding the mutual cooperation between the two organizations and resulted in the formation of the Iran- Germany friendship group. 

The Peace Counts exhibition in the museum includes 25 stories of successful peace builders from around the world and is part of an international "Peace Counts on Tour” project conducted by the Berghof Foundation.

The Tehran Peace Museum is ready to hold similar workshops for interested Iranian individuals and groups. For more information please contact us via our email address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To see the photos of this event, please click here