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"Professional Course on Peace Education" hold at TPM


کارگاه تخصصی پنج روزه‌‌ آموزش صلح The "Professional Course on Peace Education" was held at Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) as a joint project with Berghof Foundation from 7th to 11th, November 2016. 

This course, which was an introduction to peace related concepts and topics, was prepared based on academic courses on peace education and aimed to develop the participants' capacity in promoting a culture of peace. The curriculum was jointly planned by Iranian, German & Austrian academics at TPM and Berghof Foundation and included the following topics: Peace and Peace Education, Violence and Nonviolence, Conflict and Conflict Transformation and global citizenship. The participants benefited from the interactive and new methods of the workshop, too. 

During the first day which was about peace and peace education, different definitions of peace and some methods of peace education were discussed. Second day was on violence and violence prevention and included different types of violence and mechanisms to decrease violence in the society and family. The third day was allocated to conflict and conflict transformation. During the third day, participants analyzed the conflict as a context for change and talked about conflict, conflict escalation and constructive mechanisms. During the fourth day, a case study on conflict was done in which conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict transformation was reviewed and then global citizenship and values were discussed. Methods of promoting universal values and dealing with universal problems were discussed by participants and facilitators in order to develop personal strategies as solutions for such problems in the same day. The fifth and the last day of the workshop aimed at introducing local role models of peaceful social activities as well as experience exchange among the participants and facilitators. 

The participants were civil society activists from different organization or university students. 

To see the photos, please click here.

Focus on Survivors' Involvement

Focus on Survivors' Involvement

"Their burnt eyes and their coughs express their suffering more eloquently than any words"

While visiting the Hiroshima Peace Museum the founders of the Tehran Peace Museum realized the necessity of involving the victims of war in the creation of the museum. Only these individuals could provide credible accounts of the harsh realities of war and their correlating desire for peace.