TPM Appreciation to Dr. Matthias Jochheim
On Saturday 1 November 2014, a group of Chemical Weapons Victims, Peace Activists, physicians and volunteer members of SCWVS (Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support) and Tehran Peace Museum, thanked Dr. Matthias Jochheim -German physician who was visiting Iran on vacation with the company of her daughter- in Tehran Peace Museum.
In this program representatives from Tehran Peace Museum, SCWVS, Iranian affiliate of IPPNW (International Physicians to Prevention of Nuclear War), volunteers and CW victims appreciated Dr. Jochheim’s help to provide necessary medications for CW victims; with the dedication of a note of appreciation and a plaque by TPM and CW victims.
To read the short autobiography of Dr. Matthias Jochheim, please click here.
To see the pictures of this event click here.
“The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons” published in New York Times
The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons by C. J. CHIVERS was published in New York Times on October 14th, 2014.
Finding aging chemical weapons which were abandoned for years, exposure of U.S soldiers to these weapons, the medical care for these soldiers and the terrorist groups control on these weapons are discussed in this article.
To read this article, please click here.
Tehran Peace Museum Presents their Oral History Projects at the OPCW Conference: Education for Peace
On 22-23 September, the OPCW held an innovative conference at their headquarters in The Hague titled OPCW Education and Outreach Event: Education for Peace – New Pathways for Securing Chemical Disarmament.
The Tehran Peace Museum, represented by Elizabeth Lewis, delivered a presentation on two of the Tehran Peace Museum’s latest oral history projects.
Message of Tehran Peace Museum for International Peace Day
This year, we commemorate the International Day of Peace while millions of people around the world are suffering from war and violence and its aftermath.
This does not mean that our efforts for peace are in vain and that peace is not achievable, it is indeed achievable and today more than ever we need to promote a culture of peace.
That is why we are gathered here in the Peace Museum on the International Day of Peace, to recall that we all belong to each other, regardless of political boundaries that separate nations from each other.
As the 13th century Iranian poet Saadi said: we are all from one essence.
Let’s think about similarities instead of differences, love instead of hate, forgiveness instead of revenge, dialogue instead of confrontation and peace instead of violence.
Let’s give peace a chance!