"We'd Be at Peace" at Tehran Peace Museum
A sequence of "We'd Be at Peace" series was filmed at Tehran Peace Museum on January 28th, 2017. This drama which has a theme of the Iran-Iraq war is produced by Farhad Goli and directed by Rouhollah Sohrabi and so far, 13 episodes out of 52 episodes of it has been aired on national TV channel two.
Condolences on the Demise of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani
Tehran Peace Museum and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) express their condolences on the demise of Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani who passed away on January 8, 2017 due to heart failure.
Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani was previously the president of Islamic Republic of Iran from 1989 until 1997 as well as the chairperson of the Assembly of Experts from 2007 to 2011. He was serving as the chairperson of Expediency Discernment Council since 1989 until his death.
May he rest in peace ...
"OPCW: Past, Present and Future" sitting was held
The sitting "Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; Past, Present and Future" was held on January 1st, 2017 and Dr. Shahriar Khateri; OPCW Senior Assistance and Protection Officer, a number of chemical warfare victims, specialists and individuals attended the sitting.
17th Issue of INMP Newsletter Published
The 17th issue of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) newsletter has been published and is now available online. In this newsletter, you can find reports of peaceful activities from various peace museums and other peace related sites in Japan, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, USA and India. The participation of TPM in the 21st Conference of State parties (CSP) to the Chemical Weapons Convention(CWC) is reported in pages 9 and 10 of this newsletter.
To download this newsletter please click here.
To read more about the 21st CSP to the CWC please click here.
Appreciation Ceremony of Professor Freilinger in Cinema Museum
An appreciation ceremony of Professor Gerhard Freilinger, the Austrian physician who treated the Iranian victims of Iran-Iraq war, specifically victims of chemical warefar was held on Tuesday, December 13th, 2016 in Cinema Museum in Tehran and in company of a number of artists, chemical weapons survivors and members of TPM and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS).
ICRC's new representative in Tehran visits TPM
Ms. Florence Gillete, new head of representative office of ICRC in Iran visited Tehran Peace Museum along with Mr. Philip Spoerri, Director of International Law and Cooperation of ICRC in New York on December 10, 2016.
This visit was followed by a meeting in which Ms. Gillete and Mr. Spoerri got familiar with different activities of TPM.
Professor Gerhard Freilinger visits TPM
Professor Gerhard Freilinger, an Austrian physician who treated the Iranian chemical weapon victims of Iran- Iraq war, visited TPM on December 10, 2016. 35 years ago in Vienna airport, Professor Gerhard Freilinger accepted the first aircraft carrying women and children victims of Sardasht gas attack and treated them in Vienna hospital.
TPM and SCWVS delegates attend the 21st Conference of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention
The Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) and the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) attended the 21st Conference of State Parties (CSP) to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), in The Hague, November 28th to December 2nd, 2016.
"Professional Course on Peace Education" hold at TPM
The "Professional Course on Peace Education" was held at Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) as a joint project with Berghof Foundation from 7th to 11th, November 2016.
This course, which was an introduction to peace related concepts and topics, was prepared based on academic courses on peace education and aimed to develop the participants' capacity in promoting a culture of peace. The curriculum was jointly planned by Iranian, German & Austrian academics at TPM and Berghof Foundation and included the following topics: Peace and Peace Education, Violence and Nonviolence, Conflict and Conflict Transformation and global citizenship. The participants benefited from the interactive and new methods of the workshop, too.
Tehran Peace Museum will be closed for visits from 7th to 11th November 2016.
The Tehran Peace museum would be closed for visits from 7th to 11th November 2016 to hold the Professional Course on Peace Education. Peace and Peace Education, Violence and Nonviolence, Conflict and Conflict Transformation and global citizenship will be discussed in this interactive workshop.
The Commemoration Ceremony to Appreciate Professor Mahdi Balali-Mood's Efforts
According to Mehr News Agency, the commemoration ceremony of Professor Mahdi Balali -Mood, the father of Iran's toxicology science, was held on September 27th in Birjand, South Khorasan province. In addition to appreciating Professor Balali-Mood's efforts and rewarding top students of Mood city, the life documentary of Professor Balali -Mood along with the post stamp and a rug with his portrait were unveiled. A healthcare center in Mood was also named after him.
16th issue of INMP newsletter published
The 16th issue of the INMP (International Network of Museums for Peace) newsletter has been published and is now available on the respective website. Like any other issue of the newsletter, diverse reports and news pieces can be found on this issue regarding different activities held in different peace museums around the world.
Click here in order to read the newsletter.
The Commemoration of the "International Day of Peace" in Tehran Peace Museum
An anniversary ceremony on the occasion of "International Day of Peace" was held at Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) on September 18, 2016 and Victims of Iran - Iraq war, TPM volunteers as well as representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Nations Information Center, the ambassadors and representatives of the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Sweden, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Tehran Municipality and Non-Governmental Organizations, were among the attendees of this event.
Ban Ki-moon's Message
Every year on the International Day of Peace, the United Nations calls on warring parties to lay down their arms and observe a 24-hour global ceasefire. The symbolism of a day without fighting is a crucial reminder that conflict can and must come to an end.
The message of representative of chemical warfare survivors on the occasion of International Day of Peace
I also have a special hello to the victims of war and survivors of chemical weapons. On the verge of the “Week of Holly Defense”, I pay tribute to the martyrs of Iran-Iraq war as well.
We are here to commemorate 21st of September, the International Day of Peace and today, we are even more happy that this event is held by the assistance of victims of chemical weapons who are now the leaders and messengers of peace.
The message of Tehran Peace Museum on the occasion of International Day of Peace
Again, this year we commemorate International Peace Day while in many parts of the world including Yemen, Iraq and Syria and many other countries people are deprived from the blessings of peace and security and we witness the tragic humanitarian disasters caused by the greed of individuals and groups; Today not many parts of the world are safe from such disasters and peace is a vulnerable concept of this century considering that.
Two-day workshop on “Youths and Promoting Social Peaceful Skills”
A two-day workshop entitled “Youths and Promoting Social Peaceful Skills” was held by Ms. Jasna Bastic and Mr. Jan Kulenovic (from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Switzerland consecutively) on Wednesday, August 24th and Thursday, August 25th at Tehran Peace Museum.
The 5th Model UN conference (MUN) held at the TPM
The 5th Model UN conference (MUN) in Iran was held on Thursday, August 25, 2016 in a mutual attempt by International Studies Journal (ISJ), ) and United Nations Information Centre (UINC) at Tehran Peace Museum.
Sharing personal experiences surrounding war in Iran and Bosnia-and-Herzegovina
A discussion session focused on individual experiences surrounding war in Iran and Bosnia-and-Herzegovina was held at Tehran Peace Museum.
A group of veterans of Iran-Iraq war accompanied by volunteers from Tehran Peace Museum participated in the session that featured two peace activists from Bosnia Herzegovina and Switzerland.
Message of the President of Mayors for Peace on the Occasion of Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
On 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6th, 2016, Mayor Matsui of Hiroshima and the president of Mayors for Peace delivered this year's Peace Declaration at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony.
To read this message, please click here.
Hiroshima 71 years on
More than 70 years are passed and the nuclear attacks on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki remains one of the most heinous war-crimes to this date. To mark the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing,a peace memorial ceremony was held at Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park, attended by people, activists and peace-makers from all around the world.
Lecture by Professor Jan Oberg on “MIDDEL EAST” held in Tehran Peace Museum
On Saturday 6th August 2016, the TPM was honored to welcome Dr. Jan Oberg director and co-founder of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (TFF), to give a lecture in English titled "The Middle East: How did the West get there? What are the alternatives now?"