Transcend and Transform

Transcend and Transform: An Introduction to Conflict Work


Author : Johan Galtung

Date : October 2004

ISBN 0745322549

Summary : This is a practical handbook to conflict resolution, that shows how to overcome conflicts at all levels -- from personal domestic conflicts, to issue-based struggles about race, class and gender, and finally to major international conflicts between nation states or international divides along economic and religious lines.

You Can Change the World

You Can Change the World: The Global Citizen's Handbook for Living on Planet Earth

Author : Ervin Laszlo

Date : January 2010

Summary :You Can Change the World: The Global Citizen's Handbook for Living on Planet Earth should be required reading for anyone who cares about the future of the planet. Written by renowned scientist, futurist and Club of Budapest founder Ervin Laszlo, You Can Change the World answers two pertinent questions-first, what is at the root of all the conflict and crisis in today's world? And second, what can actually be done to move toward a world where we can live in peace, without marginalizing and killing each other and destroying the environment?

The Peace Book

The Peace Book: 108 Simple Ways to Create a More Peaceful World

Author : Louise Diamond

Date : 2001


ISBN 0976798204


Summary :Resource Guide for Promoting Peace!