Former UN under Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs visited Tehran Peace Museum

un-m2017-timFormer United Nations under Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, Mr. Kim Wan-Soo visited TPM on Monday, August 21st, 2017, along with Ms. Chun Misung, the first secretary of the embassy of the Republic of Korea, as well as the representative of the National Authority of Chemical Weapons Convention.

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19th Issue of INMP Newsletter Published

INMPThe 19th issue of the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP) newsletter has been published and is now available online. In this newsletter, you can find a report on 9th general conference of INMP which was held in May 2017 in Belfast, Ireland as well as the news of peaceful activities in other countries including Japan, the Netherlands, UK, Germany and France.

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OPCW's Director-General Visits TPM

opcw-MTehran Peace Museum hosted director-general of the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü on July 3, 2017. Dr. Alireza Jahangiri, ambassador of I.R. Iran in the Hague; some chemical weapon victim (CWV) and volunteer guides of TPM; representatives from Sardasht and Halabjah as well as representatives from ministry of foreign affairs were among the guests.

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The first Tehran-Sardasht rally for peace is held

Rally-Sardasht-Final-timThe first Tehran-Sardasht car rally for peace of was held in Tehran-Sardasht route on 28 and 29 July 2017 on the occasion of 30th anniversary of chemical bombardment of Sardasht city and also 20th anniversary of Chemical Weapons Convention coming into force. The rally included 40 automobiles and 150 members of TPM particularly chemical warfare victims and their families.


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Germany Ambassador Visits Tehran Peace Museum

german-ambassador-timMr. Michael Klor-Berchtold, ambassador of Federal Republic of Germany along with Mrs. Monika Meents, the first secretary and embassy's press director, visited Tehran Peace Museum on Wednesday May 31th, 2017 and got familiar with its activities. 

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Tehran Peace Museum awarded as "The Best Private Museum"

icom-2017-timThe tenth round of selecting Best Museums of the country was held in Artists Forum on 24 June 2017 on occasion of International Museums Day and Cultural Heritage Week with the international motto of "Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in museums".

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The painting exhibition of “I Am Happy When…”

i-am-happy-timAn exhibition of children’s paintings with the name of “I am happy when…”was held in the gallery of Andisheh Cultural Center on 21st and 22nd of May. This project was a collaboration between Hadis educational center and Tehran peace museum which was inaugurated with the presence of the children artists and their families as well as Iranian and international guests such as UN resident coordinator in Iran, head of UNICEF in Iran, representatives from Japanese school in Tehran, Tehran peace museum and also Hadis educational center.

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Survivors of Chemical Weapons from Tehran Peace Museum Onboard Peace Boat

peaceboatFive volunteer guides of Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) joined Peace Boat as the first victims of chemical weapons ever onboard. The team embarked in the Greece on 10th of May 2017 and disembarked on May 15th. During this voyage, they participated in several programs including meeting with Hibakushas, presentation for the passengers and testimony for students in Valencia university.

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"I am Happy When ... ", Children's Art Exhibition

iamhappy-tim"I am happy when ..." is the name of the exhibition by Hadis Educational Centre in collaboration with Tehran Peace Museum and includes 29 beautiful art works of Iranian 6-7 years old children. In these drawings, the children have expressed their feeling of happiness with the audience.


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Tehran Peace Museum hosted Molla Saleh Ghari

Mola-Saleh-timMolla Saleh Ghari visited TPM on 9 April 2017 and presented his autograph book entitled "Molla Saleh: the Life of Molla Saleh Ghari, the Translator of Iranian Prisoners of War" to TPM.

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Deputy Minister for Legal and International Affairs of Presidency Visits TPM

Dr-Mohebi-timDr. Mohsen Mohebbi, the deputy minister for legal and international affairs of presidency and some of his colleagues visited TPM on Saturday, May 7th, 2017. Formerly, they visited the different sections of TPM with the museum volumteer guides and later, they got acquainted with TPM activities on peace education, art for peace and further cultural and educational exchanges in a session which was held with the attendance of the guests and museum's guides and staff.

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Dutch University Students Visit of TPM

Utrecht-uni-timA group of Amsterdam and Utrecht university students, the Netherlands, along with law students of Tehran University visited TPM on May 2nd, 2017. The introduction tour, with a focus on consequences of the use of chemical weapons was presented to students by volunteer guides of TPM and then in a friendly session, they got familiar with different activities of TPM, specifically educational activities.

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TOT Courses in cooperation with the Berghof Foundation were held in Tehran Peace Museum

april-berghuf-2017Tehran Peace Museum continuing cooperation with the Berghof Foundation, held two TOT workshops with the presence of representatives from the Berghof Foundation during 21st to 23rd of April attended by TPM’s volunteers and a number of NGO activists.

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Memorandum of Understanding between AllamehTabataba’i University, Berghof Foundation and Tehran Peace Museum

Tafahomname-hoghoogh-timA Memorandum of Understanding between AllamehTabataba’i University (ATU), Berghof Foundation (BF) and Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) to exchange experiences in the fields of peace education, global learning and global citizenship education, with the presence of representatives from each respective party, was signed on Wednesday April 19th, in the ATU.

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Tehran Peace Museums will be closed for visits on April 18th, 22nd, 23rd and 24th

CloseThe Tehran Peace museum would be closed for visits on April 18th, 22nd and 24th to hold Peace Counts workshops. 

The Peace Counts exhibition includes 25 stories of successful peace builders from around the world and is a part of international "Peace Counts on Tour" project by Berghof Foundation. "Peace Counts" has been recognized by UNESCO as a contribution to the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence.

Building Bridges – Making Peace Museums More Interactive

Belfast-2017-timRepresentatives of Peace Museums from all over the world gathered in Belfast in Northern Ireland during 11-12 April and the Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) was among them.  Over 20 countries were represented at this, the 9th International Conference for the International Network of Museums for Peace (INMP).

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The anniversary of International Day of "Sport for Development and Peace", Hosting National Athletes in Tehran Peace Museum

Sport-and-PeaceThe anniversary of the international day of "Sport For Development And Peace" was held on April 8th, 2017 in TPM, hosting the athletes of various sport fields as volleyball, chess and mountain-climbing, as well as the representatives of related organizations. In the beginning, the guests visited different sections of TPM.

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Happy Nowruz!

Nowroz-1396-tiTehran Peace Museums welcomes Nowruz and the new solar year and wishes peace, friendship and tranquility for all its volunteers, friends and companions in Iran and all around the world! We hope that together in this year, we can work even more for a global and sustainable peace.

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"Strength, a prerequisite for peace"

araghchi-22-esThe anniversary ceremony of "National Day of War Victims" memorial was held in Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) on March 11th, 2017, with the presence of Dr. Seyyed Abbas Araghchi,  guests from the ministry of foreign affairs (MFA), narrators and active warfare survivors of TPM, and warfare victims' families, as well as young volunteers of the museum and media staff. After visiting the museum, and paying tribute to the victims of war, the guests renewed meeting with the revered warfare survivors.

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"Peace On Earth" Drawing Exhibition in Bulgaria, A collaboration among Bulgarian Embassy in Iran, Hadis Educational Center and TPM

Peace-On-Earth-t"Peace on Earth" drawing exhibition was held in Graffit Gallery in Varna, Bulgaria, from March 1st to 10th. This exhibition which is a collaboration among Bulgarian Embassy in Iran, Hadis Educational Center and TPM is consisted of the drawings Iranian and Bulgarian Children from Hadis Educational center in Iran and six art schools in Varna, Sofia and Kazanlak in Bulgaria.

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Tehran Peace Museum representatives attending in the Seventh Congress of Combat and Trauma Medicine at Khuzestan

Abadan-2017TPM representatives attended in seventh national congress of Combat and Trauma Medicine at Khuzestan. Many physicians, specialists, professors and scholars took part in this congress which was held in Ahwaz, Abadan, and Khoramshahr from February 21st to 23rd.

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The Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support and Tehran Peace Museum to host MOCT

Moct-LogoIn line with various collaborations with Japanese non-profitable organization, MOCT for incessant thirteen years, the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) and Tehran Peace Museum (TPM) hosted the representatives of this organization in February 2016. The collaboration which first took place in 2004 is based on mutual recognition, cultural exchange, public awareness about chemical warfare survivors and endeavoring to publicize the negative consequences of war and weapons of mass destruction.

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Release ceremony of the book titled "With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: Twenty years of International Medical Relief" was held

moct-2017-timRelease ceremony of the book "With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: twenty years of International Medical Relief" by Dr. Shizuko Tsuya and Persian translation of Yaser Shahbazi was held on Monday 13th, February 2017 from 5:30 pm till 6:50 pm at Ostad Shahnaz Hall in artists' forum with the cooperation of the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) and Tehran Peace Museum (TPM).

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Ceremony to Launch TPM's new Book to be held at Artists' Forum

Moct-Book-2017-tThe ceremony to launch the Persian translation of the book titled "With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: Twenty years of International Medical Aid" by Dr. Shizuku Tsuya will be held on Monday 13th, February 2017 at the Artists' Forum with the presence of the author.

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