Book Launch Ceremony: A Poisonous Affair

HiltermanOn the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Halabja Gas attack in 1988, a ceremony was held at Tehran Peace Museum to launch The Persian translation of “a Poisonous affair, America-Iraq and the gassing of Halabja”, a book by Dr Joost Hilterman from International Crisis Group.

Several researchers, officials, chemical warfare survivors and TPM members attended the ceremony in which the director of center for Iran-Iraq war studies, the author and the translator of the book and Tehran Peace Museum board director spoke about the chemical weapons attacks in 1980s and its consequences as well as the role of independent researches in raising public awareness against weapons of mass destruction.

Dr Hilterman’s book is one of the most comprehensive researched about the use of chemical weapons against Iranians and Kurds during 1980s and western countries’ support to Saddam’s regime.

To see the photos of this event, please click here.