Dr. Jan Oberg Visits the Tehran Peace Museum

 On Monday 11th November 2013, the Tehran Peace Museum was honored to welcome Dr. Jan Oberg to give a talk titled "Peace studies in the world and its role in our current world full of wars" during the Museum’s regular open English discussion group. The talk was followed by an informal dialogue and a lively question and answer session.

Dr. Oberg is the director and co-founder of the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research in Lund, Sweden. The Foundation is an independent think tank, which has been dedicated for more than 28 years to academic research, as well as practical, on the ground experience with the purpose of promoting Article 1 of the UN Charter that peace shall be created by peaceful means.

The foundation’s advanced networking mechanism reaches more than 3 million people each year, and includes over 60 distinguished experts from a variety of academic fields and from interesting and diverse backgrounds.

To find out more about the work of Dr. Oberg and his colleagues, you can visit the foundation’s website at http://www.transnational.org/

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