The 6th UN Security Council Model Workshop held at TPM



isj2017timThe 6th UN Security Council practical research workshop was held on Thursday, August 24th, 2017 by the International Studies Journal (ISJ) and the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Iran, with TPM collaboration, along with the presence of professors and guests of Iran Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and university students holding PhD and MA degrees in International Law, International Relations, International Criminal Law, Human Rights, Political Science, International Economics, Diplomacy, Sociology and Regional Studies from different universities in Iran.

At the beginning, Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, visited TPM and was briefed by Mr. Mohammad Reza Taghipour Moghadam, the director, and Mr. Hamid Salehi, the board member, concerning the purpose of establishing the museum and its activities. Also, Dr. Mehdi Zakarian, the director of the ISJ, provided some explanations about the activities of the ISJ and the Model workshops.

At the official opening of the meeting, Dr. Zarif, Dr. Bagher Asadi, Iran's former ambassador to the United Nations, Dr. Maria Dotsenko, Head of the UNIC in Iran, and Dr. Zakerian, exchanged views about the process of the Security Council meetings, the process of simulation, and the importance of holding these sessions. Thereafter, they appreciated professors and specialists, who have contributed to these sessions from the very first day.

At the beginning of his speech, Dr.Zarif described the importance of organizing simulation sessions, describing the workshop at the TPM as very appropriate, and said: "The holding of these meetings in the museum, reminiscent of the bitter and historic failure of the Security Council to deal with the brutal use of Chemical weapons during the Iran- Iraq war.”

Subsequently, the meeting was held with the focus on North Korea's nuclear issue and recent Security Council resolution. Participants in the meeting, who were previously designated as a representative of a member of the Council, expressed their views and statements on the matter.

Subsequently, collective statement was prepared by the representatives of Egypt who chaired the session, and permanent and non-permanent states consulted through the formation of several negotiating groups and, according to their positions, expressed their views on the collective declaration. At the end of the meeting, the statement was read by the Secretary-General.

The meeting was completed by recapitulating final points and conclusions by Dr. Zakeriyan, Dr. Taheri, the undersecretary of ISJ, and Mr. Rajaie Moghddam, Deputy Director of the INIC in Iran. At the end, participants received their completion certificates.


To see the pictures of the workshop, please click here.